Wednesday, November 16, 2016

All Truth Is God's Truth

Lord it is a good and beautiful day here [in Bucharest]. Thank you for your presence and thank you for helping J and I listen to You more. I am grateful to go to mass this morning and perhaps the adoration chapel afterward to say the rosary if it be your will. Thank you Papa for always being with me. Teach me about spirituality and having the same spirit for you were speaking about this to me earlier…

Yes son, you notice that some react to the word spirituality negatively. There is perhaps another phrase that will communicate better, that is to say when two things that seem like different approaches have the same spirit. In the case of models of understanding the human condition, it can be the same Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, who is everywhere present and filling all things, that is guiding and informing the best and most true aspects of these models. So the life model, the twelve step groups descended from AA, other recovery programs, all of these have the same Spirit of Truth informing them, and remember I am The Truth, The Way and The Life and no one comes to the Father except through me. But also remember that I am everywhere present and filling all things as the Holy Spirit, so I am drawing people to the truth about themselves and their relationship to me and the others continually through infinite variety of means… all truth is mine.

Yes Lord, even in the book J is sharing on self deception there is much truth in it so you are there as well in that model, though uninvited Your Spirit is everywhere present and filling all things and is NOT a tame lion!


Thank You Lord for helping me understand. Love You! I want to stay consciously connected to You more today than ever before… let's break a record!

I'm always up for that son, love you!

Love You too Papa!
