Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Prayers for Leeloo's New Venture

Good morning Papa!

Good morning son!

Papa, I’m so excited that Leeloo is starting her true feminine genius site. Please bless this endeavor Lord and draw the true, good and beautiful of authentic femininity from the hearts of all these women past and present, that Mary’s immaculate heart may triumph as she predicted it would in the end. Lord heal hearts through their hearts overflowing with the love they so willingly receive from you!

Son I too look forward to working in, with and through all of them and I have an infinite supply of love for them to birth into the world. Your world indeed suffers greatly in its Femanemia as Leeloo mentioned and it is indeed Mary’s immaculate heart that is safe in my heart that will be an agent of healing for the life of the world.

As the U2 song mentions ‘two hearts beat as one’ so it has always been with my mother and I. She was and is so much more than a birthing portal for the divine, she is the point of union of divinity and humanity on all levels.

Yes son, I do look forward to continuing to work alongside Leeloo as my son Jesus binds us all together in pure and infinite love. Do all you can to encourage Leeloo to continue giving a home for all this beauty, truth and goodness. Help her to see that tiny things like this done with great love are worth more than all the silver and gold in the world. In fact it is these types of works that give those precious metals their true shine. My immaculate heart will indeed triumph for my son has said that it would be so, it has already stirred in so many beautiful souls and in Leeloo’s work you will see that beauty gathered like a bouquet.

Son I love the way you are beginning to kiss us all when you receive the Holy Eucharist, keep that practice up, we love it here and are delighted to receive your kisses, we can’t wait to meet you in the flesh.

Thank you Lord and Momma Mary for these encouraging words, I’m sure Leeloo will post them soon for the encouragement of all with eyes to see.

We love you son, go now in peace and joy to serve others.



[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]