You whispered something to me perhaps in my sleep Papa?
Yes son, helping you understand what is meant by the idea of giving back someone their agency. When someone is abused by others or themselves they can very quickly lose their agency, that is they feel they have no choice other than to allow the abuse to continue. In fact, especially in addiction, certain acts can cease to seem like the abuse that it actually is to one's self. This drink, food, sex, drug, purchase, (etc.) makes me feel better momentarily and therefore it isn't perceived as an abuse of one's own will when they feel they have no choice to make the craving go away other than to fulfill it.
Giving them back their ability to chose is what recovery and a Spirit led life is all about. "Choose you this day" is almost an inconceivable concept to one caught up in addiction or being abused by another.
As you walk with people in recover or as you do spiritual direction of any sort son, bear this in mind. You are inviting people on a path you yourself are learning to travel and showing them how you reclaimed your own agency... not in a simple and grasping 'will to power' but in learning to counterintuitively surrender your right to self-abusing acting out and cll upon your earthly and heavenly communities for the strength to do the next loving thing for yourself and others.
To those being abused it is just as complex for they have sometimes been made to feel less than a person, as unworthy of being treated with the dignity due to every person created in my image. As it was for you son, it is a conversion of heart and nothing less that is required. They must come to see themselves as beloved or little progress is made in reclaiming their agency and choosing to step out of the situation. Thisis why you have instinctively given away so many copies of Henry Nouwen's "Life of the Beloved", yes?
Yes indeed Papa, that makes perfect sense. But even as a self-abuser I needed that message just as badly - Thanks for the explanation Papa. Love you.
Love you too son.