Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Playing Under the Smiling Gaze of God

Good morning Papa.  The meditation this morning helped me realize how little I resemble you in some ways.  I avoid critical, mean, prickly people like T & S and even my beloved and C.  Why can I not be willing to suffer through their meanness to me, why am I so proud as to think I shouldn't have to endure it in order to deliver my love to them just as You did Papa.  Will I ever grow up?  Help me Papa, I want to be more like You, more one with You, more In, with and through You.

Son I am with, in and through you only to the degree you allow it, whether you are conscious of it or not.  A cucumber doesn't turn into a pickle without soaking in vinegar, the iron doesn't take on the properties of the fire unless it stays in the fire.  Stay in Me consciously as much as you can and completely trust Me with the times you are not conscious of Me… remember I don't leave you just because your mind isn't on me.  I AM always with you.  Why are you afraid to turn to me after you have forgotten I was in and with you for a time?  Are you afraid I'll be pouting or angry?  Think of the shepherd and the sheep, a mother and a little child, do they begrudge their little ones when they are playing or grazing forgetting about the presence of their guardian for a moment?  Imagine I AM smiling over you and watching over you and singing songs of love over you.  Imagine the little child that becomes suddenly aware of their Momma or Papa and turns to run happily into their arms for a hug and a kiss.  This is how my love is son, not with disapproval and crossed arms and a frown but with open arms and a laugh of joy at embracing my child.  I will never chide you for being unaware or forgetful, never abandon you when you are playing on your own and unaware of me watching over you.  You can always run laughing back into my arms.

Thank You Jesus for being my Good Shepherd that loves me and smiles at me while I am playing obliviously unaware of Your watching over me and singing over me.  I would like to tune into your music and lyrics more often and spend more time running back into your arms.  

I love You Papa!

I love you son.


Papa, why do I imagine and resent the disapproval of others so continually.  Why am I obsessed with the approval of my beloved, G, S, T, etc??  What is wrong with me?

It is just your pride son, remember what I the King of the Universe endured without bitter response or avoiding others.  Trust me to empower you, to do the same in and with and through you.

Lord I believe, help me in my unbelief.


I feel like I also horribilize and villainize them too Lord.  I mean, a lot of times I am imagining their disapproval of me when they aren't even thinking anything about me.  So I think I know what they are thinking, I am getting into their heads and assuming they are being negative towards me when I don't even know what they are thinking.  I'm not sure how to combat this, but I'm pretty sure what is going on in their heads is none of my business unless they make it so by sharing it specifically with me.  Also, they're disapproval or meanness to me about one thing must never be generalized to apply to everything I do or say.  It is just that one thing.

I just simply cannot endure to be mocked, corrected or disapproved of in any way.  I have the Donald Trump disease!  Lord have mercy on me!

I am son.  Little by little we will administer the medicine for your soul and you will be well in small increments.  Trust me in this.

I'm trying Papa, but I am not very patient.  Isn't there just a pill I can take to instantly heal me?  :D

No son, no pill for this one.  ;)



[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]