Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Calling Jesus By Name Throughout the Day

Good morning Papa!  I love You!!

I love you too son and am glad you are here with me and are taking time to listen.

Lord Jesus I long to be more aware of Your Holy Spirit moment by moment, to be calling on Your name more often throughout the day.  I get so involved in my tasks that there seems to be no room to include You, yet I know if we did things together conversationally like Bill Gillham and so many others have suggested, then it just might work, even for mundane things like toileting and learning games and talking to with my grandchildren or my kids or any conversation with others for that matter.  

Many souls rarely do this and I love them deeply,… but yes My Spirit is always with You and whispering Divine Mercy, Love and Peace to you and in you and through you, and yes it is good for you to converse with me, your Brother and your God Jesus, and call me by name and/or title often to remind yourself that I AM here always and ready to converse Spirit to spirit.

Lord Jesus I feel that if I learned this moment by moment conversation it may be helpful at times, but I also feel like it may be exhausting to keep bending my mind to speak to you so much internally.  

Connecting with Me the Source of your life and strength will give you Life and Strength, not take it away.  Try it and you will see, trust me I will show you the way it works.  Fear not son.

Ok Papa, Jesus, Spirit, I will try it again and again throughout the rest of my days when Ya'll remind me! I am so forgetful!

Trust Us to remind you as well and don't equate your absentmindedness or forgetting us with sin, it is simply a week under exercised spiritual muscle and ligament (connection) that together We can whip into shape.  

Ok Lord, so be it.



Finally got to listen to Fr. J's Homily about the name of Jesus from 1/15/17 and what it means.  

Question from Fr. J:  How many times in the last week did you say the name Jesus in thought, prayer or out loud in praise/conversation?

Isn't it easier to say God or Lord?  

Fr. J shares something at his own expense… the more sophisticated he became intellectually, the less he spoke the name of Jesus and the more he used the word God or Lord.

The reason is that using God or Lord keeps Him comfortably huge and remote and out there.



Good morning Papa, Jesus, Holy Spirit.  I wish to continue calling on Your name throughout the day more and more.  I'd rather do all my tasks aware of Your presence, chatting with You in my heart all the while. Your presence brightens up the most dreadful task.  Have mercy on my forgetful mind and remind me to speak with You and listen for Your responses Lord Jesus.  I want to more readily recognize Your Spirit's prompting and the voice bear hug of my Papa.

Son we are happy to be with you and converse with you.  Now go to work and completely trust us with the outcomes of your actions of love and your prayers.  Worry not how your book studies will go nor your upgrading of your Momma's TV.  Leave the outcomes to me.

I will look to you for guidance Lord. I have no idea how to proceed.

I am with you son.  Do not worry about these things, I have your Momma's best interests in my heart.

Ok Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit, I will consult and trust You along the way.



[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]