Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Calling Jesus By Name Throughout the Day

Good morning Papa!  I love You!!

I love you too son and am glad you are here with me and are taking time to listen.

Lord Jesus I long to be more aware of Your Holy Spirit moment by moment, to be calling on Your name more often throughout the day.  I get so involved in my tasks that there seems to be no room to include You, yet I know if we did things together conversationally like Bill Gillham and so many others have suggested, then it just might work, even for mundane things like toileting and learning games and talking to with my grandchildren or my kids or any conversation with others for that matter.  

Many souls rarely do this and I love them deeply,… but yes My Spirit is always with You and whispering Divine Mercy, Love and Peace to you and in you and through you, and yes it is good for you to converse with me, your Brother and your God Jesus, and call me by name and/or title often to remind yourself that I AM here always and ready to converse Spirit to spirit.

Lord Jesus I feel that if I learned this moment by moment conversation it may be helpful at times, but I also feel like it may be exhausting to keep bending my mind to speak to you so much internally.  

Connecting with Me the Source of your life and strength will give you Life and Strength, not take it away.  Try it and you will see, trust me I will show you the way it works.  Fear not son.

Ok Papa, Jesus, Spirit, I will try it again and again throughout the rest of my days when Ya'll remind me! I am so forgetful!

Trust Us to remind you as well and don't equate your absentmindedness or forgetting us with sin, it is simply a week under exercised spiritual muscle and ligament (connection) that together We can whip into shape.  

Ok Lord, so be it.



Finally got to listen to Fr. J's Homily about the name of Jesus from 1/15/17 and what it means.  

Question from Fr. J:  How many times in the last week did you say the name Jesus in thought, prayer or out loud in praise/conversation?

Isn't it easier to say God or Lord?  

Fr. J shares something at his own expense… the more sophisticated he became intellectually, the less he spoke the name of Jesus and the more he used the word God or Lord.

The reason is that using God or Lord keeps Him comfortably huge and remote and out there.



Good morning Papa, Jesus, Holy Spirit.  I wish to continue calling on Your name throughout the day more and more.  I'd rather do all my tasks aware of Your presence, chatting with You in my heart all the while. Your presence brightens up the most dreadful task.  Have mercy on my forgetful mind and remind me to speak with You and listen for Your responses Lord Jesus.  I want to more readily recognize Your Spirit's prompting and the voice bear hug of my Papa.

Son we are happy to be with you and converse with you.  Now go to work and completely trust us with the outcomes of your actions of love and your prayers.  Worry not how your book studies will go nor your upgrading of your Momma's TV.  Leave the outcomes to me.

I will look to you for guidance Lord. I have no idea how to proceed.

I am with you son.  Do not worry about these things, I have your Momma's best interests in my heart.

Ok Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit, I will consult and trust You along the way.



[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Playing Under the Smiling Gaze of God

Good morning Papa.  The meditation this morning helped me realize how little I resemble you in some ways.  I avoid critical, mean, prickly people like T & S and even my beloved and C.  Why can I not be willing to suffer through their meanness to me, why am I so proud as to think I shouldn't have to endure it in order to deliver my love to them just as You did Papa.  Will I ever grow up?  Help me Papa, I want to be more like You, more one with You, more In, with and through You.

Son I am with, in and through you only to the degree you allow it, whether you are conscious of it or not.  A cucumber doesn't turn into a pickle without soaking in vinegar, the iron doesn't take on the properties of the fire unless it stays in the fire.  Stay in Me consciously as much as you can and completely trust Me with the times you are not conscious of Me… remember I don't leave you just because your mind isn't on me.  I AM always with you.  Why are you afraid to turn to me after you have forgotten I was in and with you for a time?  Are you afraid I'll be pouting or angry?  Think of the shepherd and the sheep, a mother and a little child, do they begrudge their little ones when they are playing or grazing forgetting about the presence of their guardian for a moment?  Imagine I AM smiling over you and watching over you and singing songs of love over you.  Imagine the little child that becomes suddenly aware of their Momma or Papa and turns to run happily into their arms for a hug and a kiss.  This is how my love is son, not with disapproval and crossed arms and a frown but with open arms and a laugh of joy at embracing my child.  I will never chide you for being unaware or forgetful, never abandon you when you are playing on your own and unaware of me watching over you.  You can always run laughing back into my arms.

Thank You Jesus for being my Good Shepherd that loves me and smiles at me while I am playing obliviously unaware of Your watching over me and singing over me.  I would like to tune into your music and lyrics more often and spend more time running back into your arms.  

I love You Papa!

I love you son.


Papa, why do I imagine and resent the disapproval of others so continually.  Why am I obsessed with the approval of my beloved, G, S, T, etc??  What is wrong with me?

It is just your pride son, remember what I the King of the Universe endured without bitter response or avoiding others.  Trust me to empower you, to do the same in and with and through you.

Lord I believe, help me in my unbelief.


I feel like I also horribilize and villainize them too Lord.  I mean, a lot of times I am imagining their disapproval of me when they aren't even thinking anything about me.  So I think I know what they are thinking, I am getting into their heads and assuming they are being negative towards me when I don't even know what they are thinking.  I'm not sure how to combat this, but I'm pretty sure what is going on in their heads is none of my business unless they make it so by sharing it specifically with me.  Also, they're disapproval or meanness to me about one thing must never be generalized to apply to everything I do or say.  It is just that one thing.

I just simply cannot endure to be mocked, corrected or disapproved of in any way.  I have the Donald Trump disease!  Lord have mercy on me!

I am son.  Little by little we will administer the medicine for your soul and you will be well in small increments.  Trust me in this.

I'm trying Papa, but I am not very patient.  Isn't there just a pill I can take to instantly heal me?  :D

No son, no pill for this one.  ;)



[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]

Monday, January 9, 2017

Lasting Change In the Great I AM

Good morning Papa!  I love You!  I did not foresee F & G trying to make it work.  He still talks so mean to her, horibalizing her and others to vent his anger.  His anger seems to stem from his fear that something will not go his way, so he tries to control it in advance by angrily asserting himself, and when that fails he resents it even more and blames others and objectifies them.  

G of course fairs not much better with her response.

I pray Lord that this Arbinger book can help them both get out of that trap.  It is your Holy Spirit breathing the truth through this book that can set them free.

I am The Truth.  I am The Way.  I am The Life.  No one comes to The Father except through me.  So be sure to make that connection for F & G.  If they don't empower the truth with I who am The Truth, they won't get far.  If they don't empower their love with I who am Love, they won't get far.  If they don't empower their lives with I who am Life they won't get far.  If they don't empower their peace with I who am Peace.  I AM the great I AM.  All of this knowledge is a vehicle without fuel if it is without Me.  It is dwelling in, with and through Me that is transformative, no true and lasting change is possible without the great IAM present and working, whether I AM acknowledged in the process or not.  I AM the source of Being, Love, Peace, Joy, Hope, Light, Kindness, Charity, Truth and Life itself.  Express these things whenever you are presenting the truth, for knowledge of the truth is not power.  Dwelling in The Truth in a loving relationship IS powerful, life changing and Life giving.  

Yes Papa, I will proclaim the unspoken Truth behind these truths wherever I can.




Still digesting the words you spoke to me yesterday Lord Jesus.  My mind is slow to comprehend all the implications.

Take your time son.  Remember that how you express the above truths and demonstrate how powerless they are without I WHO AM The Truth is most important.  Your way of being, that is abiding in My Peace towards all, never horibalizing or vilifying others is of utmost importance.  Completely trust me to guide you in how you speak these truths and The Truth to sensitive souls that are tossed and buffeted by a thousand fruitless philosophies daily. Be gentle like a farmer sowing a seed, plant it with love and care realizing that you are not in control of the outcomes of that sowing.  Remember the parable of the farmer and sow generously and lovingly fully realizing that it is My business to take it from there.  Most often it is I who will have others till it and water it and weed out the thistles so it isn't choked.  You are rarely going to have anything to do with these further steps.  Be at peace about this.  Don't fret.  Trust me with that process.

I will Papa.  I love You!

I love you too son, go in I WHO AM Peace and Love and pour me forth upon all you encounter today.  

I will do as You say as often as I remember and You remind me.



[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Serving Others When I'm Sick

I am trying to trust you with my health. I am tempted to curl up in a ball and disconnect and pity myself and let others serve me.  Save me from such inward focus Lord.  

Completely trust me with your body son.  I know exactly what is wrong, exactly how to cure it, and exactly what I plan to do about it.  It is all for your spiritual growth that I am allowing this.  Learning how to serve others when all you feel like doing is curling up in a ball, this is the way of the cross and I have walked this path.  Abide in me son, you are not alone, just as Simon helped me carry my cross, so will I help you but even more for I am both within you and next to you.  Trust me in this.

I will Papa, I simply don't trust myself.  I am so good at self pity I fear I cannot put that aside.  Only by your power can I stay in a mode to serve others.  Only by Your presence and life flowing in and through me can I stay at peace with others and focus on being a blessing instead of receiving from them.  I especially am anxious for how my beloved will respond, I fear her harshness and am afraid she will simply despise me for being weak or sick and just see it as another manifestation of my self absorption.  I so desperately crave her praise and adoration.

That is her side of the street how she responds, and completely my business not yours.  You tend to your own soul and trust me with hers.

Good point.  Thank You Papa, yo te amo!! 

I love you too son, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap!!

Hahaha!!  A barrel and a heap and I'm talking in my sleep about you!!



[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]

Monday, January 2, 2017

Baby Steps

Lord, feeling sorry for myself and overwhelmed and looked down upon.  I cannot get as many things done as others it seems.  My feet drag too much.  I am distracted.  I cannot focus on the next loving thing to do, because there are infinity next loving things possible and next to infinity selfish ones as well.  How do I chose Lord?  I throw up my hands and chose nothing, lazing around until somebody corrals me to do their most important thing.  And just when I think my energy levels are at an all time low, I get lower.  My strength is gone.  I just want rest and everyone to leave me the f alone.  And then I feel sick of myself for being so self absorbed.  

Yes son and these are all feelings.  You can do things in spite of them.  Sometimes you may need to break larger projects down into baby steps, but that is ok, once you get rolling on them you will do well, if you lean on me.

I know Lord, but what is the next thing today?

Fix the barn.

Ok.  But then B & C are back… I just make them into problems instead of people in my mind over and over.  I don't have the time or patience to deal with either of them, with any of my family for that matter.  And then I loathe myself for feeling that way.

Let the feelings wash over you son and call out to me to help you reframe your mind.  They are just feelings and will pass, only what is done for me will last.  Doing can often change your feelings.  If you wait for the right feelings to do something, they may never come.  Doing an act of love in my strength is the only reliable way to nudge feelings in the right direction.  But they are like the wind and NOT to be trusted.  Do the right loving thing and the feelings may follow.

Yes that is my experience Lord.  Actions of love, done connected to you, surrendering my resentment, yes then is when I feel in right relation with others.  But I just want to lay down and forget all of it right now.  Lord have mercy on me and give me some of your strength I pray.

I love you Papa.

Love you  son and I am with you with all of me, all my love, strength, hope and compassion are at your disposal.  Would you be a channel even for the smallest trickle of that stream?  

I will Lord.  


[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]