Love You Papa.
Love you son. Trust that I am with you though you fail to sense it or
remember I am there. Be patient with yourself as it takes time to retrain
your mind away from isolated thinking, speaking and doing into
connected and shared thinking, speaking and doing.
Lord I read of these Saints who have tuned into your presence and
I fall so short of that. I long for that connection but fear I am too lazy to
pay the price of the work it takes to submit my every thought, word and deed
to You.
You cannot son, but abide in me and I will give you everything you need for
such a connected life. And look, here you are conversing with me. Be at
peace in your progress and do not chide yourself overmuch. My yoke is easy
and my burden is light. Small steps toward My Light, Love and Peace are
good! Be thankful that in Me you have taken them.
I am so grateful Lord, for I look back on where I was three years
ago where a heart at war was the norm, I barely know how to function without
melodrama in my life. But I must admit that the Peace of soul that is
descending upon me is precious and I do want Your Peace to stay with me
always, no matter what the outward circumstances.
Go now son and explore the world I have made for you. Stay as connected
with me as you can, through others, directly in prayer, in song or chant, in
the Eucharist, consciously or sub-consciously. Connection good, isolation
Amen Lord. ❤️❤️😘😘😍