Saturday, February 22, 2025

Conversion: A Capital Offence

Papa, looking back on my journal entry from 2/16/25 I caught myself being angry... a little bit rage triggered becuase of anti-conversion laws being passed in some countries, states and provinces. Lord, why do I get so angry about this?

Son, I think you assessed it rightly on the 16th... you rightly perceive that the core of the Christian life consists of daily conversion from doing things your way and instead surrendering your heart, soul, will, intellect and whole life to doing things my way. It is a daily and hourly and moment by moment conversion of all of you to following the way of Jesus -- I AM the WAY.

That continuous conversion is the Christian life. So... no surprise when states, countries and provinces and their lawmakers say that you may not use therapy to help people find this deep way of daily conversion to my way that you are a bit concerned.

But son... there is nothing new under the sun.

The first emperors dealing with Christianity in Rome slew them precisely because they were proposing an unacceptable conversion -- a conversion to calling Christ Lord instead of Caesar. "Conversion therapy" as the first Christians practiced it carried a much more severe penalty than revoking one's license to practice therapy -- it was a capital offense.

Your life was forfeit not only for converting others but simply for being a convert and refusing to 'un-convert', that is, worship the emperor and / or his gods as Lord.

Hmmm... I never thought of that -- not quite that way anyhow. Thanks Lord.

You're welcome son.

So, I guess the upswing is that at least at this in the US, Australia, the UK Canada and many other countries, 'conversion therapy' is at least not a capital offense. Furthermore, I can pray for countries where it is... for though the gender ideologists haven't pushed so far to make conversion from their way of thinking a capital crime, some countries DO kill people simply for converting to Christianity even today.


So, applying this with being a twelve step sponsor...

Right son, as a sponsor you're sort of like a spiritual director -- you are walking with people in their journey... you may offer them a bit of guidance as they come to you trying to navigate the complexities of their addiction, and nothing you do under the umbrella of sponsorship to help them get where they want to be would really fall under the laws of even the most 'anti-conversion' law type of countries or jurisdictions...

So if one of my sponsees for example is struggling with unwelcome same sex attraction in his heart and he desires help navigating that, there is no law currently that says I can't share my own experience, strength and hope in that arena...

Right, not yet anyway... you call them to trust in me if they are my followers, correct?

Of course, Lord. Daily, total, surrender to your will and your ways. Daily conversion from 'my way of thinking and acting' to 'your way', Lord. This is bedrock 12 step spirituality.

Exactly, there is no current law against that in the US or even in any of the jurisdictions you mentioned. Where it can get sticky is when you get licensed by the state to do clinical therapy... then you have to abide by their rules.

Yes, so I gather... which is why I'm disinclined to pursue any such career path. I have more freedom as a sponsor to truly help people that want to commit to surrendering to you in all things Lord.

Son, you know that your friend Farmer Fred is pursuing a certificate in Spiritual Direction for much the same reasons you prefer to be simply a sponsor, right?

Yes, we've emailed about it a couple times as you know... I may consider a similar path if it be your will Lord. It sounds like the training he is receiving at DMU is. top notch, maybe I'll reach out to them sometime.

Excellent idea, I'm with you son, love you!

Love you too Papa!


Monday, October 28, 2024

I Need You to Survive

Good morning Papa!


Good morning Son, yes I want to speak to you about the Protestant movement and why I allowed it. I could have stopped it of course, but as you can plainly see I did not. You seem to always dress it in a cloak of insanity. Perhaps in some aspects it is that but you must look at the motives behind it son. These protesters saw much trauma and abuse being perpetrated on my people by its leaders. They saw practices that had become corrupted. They wanted to clean house and expel both the people and the practices that were harmful. Being unable to expel these they started their own thing.


Son, no human's efforts to channel my love are perfect, except for Jesus, Mary and my holy angels. So is it so surprising that this new movement to purify the Church would be imperfect? Of course not. Yes they threw out the baby with the bath water often, this is a common practice during a scouring/purging.


Yet I tell you son, this movement that has been proceeding unchecked for hundreds of years now has produced many complimentary practices and tools for the help of Christians. It has produced great leaders that channel my love in beautiful ways. In many of its strains it is no longer anti-Catholic, but seeing itself as just another part of my body.


It is not your business to sort out if they are or are not part of my body. It is not your business to declare their sacraments valid or invalid. You just keep channeling my love the best you can every day and let me sort all that out.


In the meantime son, listen to Deacon Didier Rance:


"What is Receptive Ecumenism? This is a method which is being advocated more in the 21st century which comes from the fundamental truth (agreed on by all objective Christians of every stripe) that "all sides are missing something they previously shared" as a result of their separation. Receptive Ecumenism then seeks to begin ecumenical reconciliation by looking at what you need from other Christians rather than pitying them for what you have and you think they don’t have.


It means to ask not “What do the other traditions first need to learn from us?” but “What do we need to learn from them?” The assumption is that if all were asking this question seriously and acting upon it then all would be moving in ways that would both deepen our authentic respective identities and draw us into more intimate relationship."


Isn't this a more wholesome way son?


Yes indeed Papa. Though it doesn't use the term 'complementarity', it is implied throughout. We need each other and we are are all missing something we previously shared.


Yes son, listen to the song you learned by Hezekiah Walker:


I need you, you need me.

We're all a part of God's body.

Stand with me, agree with me.

We're all a part of God's body.


It is his will, that every need be supplied.

You are important to me, I need you to survive.

You are important to me, I need you to survive.

(repeat 3X)


I pray for you, You pray for me.

I love you, I need you to survive.

I won't harm you with words from my mouth.

I love you, I need you to survive.

(repeat 8 X)


It is his will, that every need be supplied.

You are important to me, I need you to survive.


See son, it isn't just some fine side dish. You need each other to survive. I dwell in each of you in some way and I can speak through any of you, love through any of you, if you are willing. The thief on the cross experienced none of the advantages or the graces developed later by my people to aid them in flourishing, but he is with me here right now! His name is Dismas and he greets you with love.


Hello Dismas, please pray for me and all of us.

I am and I will Seb. See you soon!

[from Google search: "Finally, it should be mentioned that Dismas (sometimes spelled Dysmas) was the name associated with the good thief who asked Jesus to remember him in paradise (Luke 23:43), while Gestas was the one who taunted Jesus along with the crowd. In the Roman Catholic tradition, Dismas was canonized as a saint whose feast is celebrated March 25."]


Thanks for all of that Papa, you have blessed my heart once again!


We love you so much son, now go bless your family and channel my love.




[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Prayers for Leeloo's New Venture

Good morning Papa!

Good morning son!

Papa, I’m so excited that Leeloo is starting her true feminine genius site. Please bless this endeavor Lord and draw the true, good and beautiful of authentic femininity from the hearts of all these women past and present, that Mary’s immaculate heart may triumph as she predicted it would in the end. Lord heal hearts through their hearts overflowing with the love they so willingly receive from you!

Son I too look forward to working in, with and through all of them and I have an infinite supply of love for them to birth into the world. Your world indeed suffers greatly in its Femanemia as Leeloo mentioned and it is indeed Mary’s immaculate heart that is safe in my heart that will be an agent of healing for the life of the world.

As the U2 song mentions ‘two hearts beat as one’ so it has always been with my mother and I. She was and is so much more than a birthing portal for the divine, she is the point of union of divinity and humanity on all levels.

Yes son, I do look forward to continuing to work alongside Leeloo as my son Jesus binds us all together in pure and infinite love. Do all you can to encourage Leeloo to continue giving a home for all this beauty, truth and goodness. Help her to see that tiny things like this done with great love are worth more than all the silver and gold in the world. In fact it is these types of works that give those precious metals their true shine. My immaculate heart will indeed triumph for my son has said that it would be so, it has already stirred in so many beautiful souls and in Leeloo’s work you will see that beauty gathered like a bouquet.

Son I love the way you are beginning to kiss us all when you receive the Holy Eucharist, keep that practice up, we love it here and are delighted to receive your kisses, we can’t wait to meet you in the flesh.

Thank you Lord and Momma Mary for these encouraging words, I’m sure Leeloo will post them soon for the encouragement of all with eyes to see.

We love you son, go now in peace and joy to serve others.



[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The New Normal - Jesus Restores Walks In the Garden

Good morning Papa!

Good morning son!

Papa, I am struck by Bishop Barron’s words today. They seem to be affirming the sort of prayer I and so many others have learned to practice and that is comforting.


John 15:9–17

Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus announces to his disciples: “I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father.”

Many mysticisms and philosophies of the ancient world—Platonism and Gnosticism come readily to mind—spoke of God or the sacred, but they spoke of it as a force or a value or an ontological source. It was impersonal and at an infinite remove from the world of ordinary experience. These ancient schools find an echo in many modern and contemporary theologies. Think of deism, which was so influential on the founders of the United States, or even the New Age philosophy of our time. These speak of a “divine” principle or power, but one would never dream of addressing such a force as “thou” or of engaging with it in intimate conversation.

Then there is the Bible. The Scriptures obviously present God as the overwhelming, transcendent, uncontrollable, inscrutable Creator of the heavens and the earth, but they insist that this sublime and frightening power is a person who deigns to speak to us, to guide us, and to invite us into his life.

In making that utterance—that he no longer called his disciples slaves, but friends—Jesus turned all of religious philosophy and mysticism on its head.



Son it should indeed comfort you to know that you are not on this path alone. Remember what I've told you before? It is not chatting with me personally that is odd, it is the lack thereof.

Remember, I sent my Son into the world to infuse it with grace and inject the antidote into the physical cosmos through his body, blood, soul and divinity which is now forever intertwined into the dimension you call 'The Universe'. There is no undoing this. As I've mentioned before, it is like Neo in the Matrix, only in slow motion. It is also indeed like Leeloo's explosion of light and love to stop arrest evil and save the world from evil… again, in slow motion. And finally, remember that the enemy is like the severed wasp that doesn't realize the dreadful thing that has been done to it.

All of these images in motion in your heart testify to the reality that Jesus has radically transformed reality. He has opened a portal of friendship with Me that can never be closed and is impinging on the world more daily. This is why your world is in turmoil, because people love darkness more than light and the enemy is insuring the fight harder as the dawn is impending. Surely the enemy is more aware of this than your race which by and large tries to ignore the entire dimension of eternal light that is slowly eclipsing the darkness.

Remember son, darkness is just a speck in the light.

So when my son Robert Barron propounds on the reality of this radical shift from slave (read this as employee or worker in this context) to friend and family members, he is right on track.

Friends and family chat with their father. Jesus came to restore things to their intended order. Just like I chatted with Adam and Eve in the Garden, Jesus came to invite all my offspring to that same intimacy. And that is only the beginning.

I see Papa, this is part of the design, long before the Oxford group or AA started to emphasize two way prayer or continuous conscious contact with you. Examples abound down through the centuries of you chatting with folks in their hearts. Those that did this and dared to speak of it were not always treated kindly.

No they were not son, but don't let that stop you. All of my offspring were meant to stroll and chat with me, or sit and listen to me speak just as you are now in the depths of your heart and writing it in your journal. This is the new normal that Jesus inaugurated. This is what it means to listen to my Spirit within and respond to it as one would in any normal conversation.

Worry not that you might miss the point, get it wrong or misunderstand me. I'll tell you again. I'm always whispering my song of love in your heart and hoping you'll tune in to listen to the chorus again and again.

Thanks Papa, that is beautiful and reassuring.

You're welcome son, I love you.

Love you too Papa.


[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Deleting Suspicion of Joy

Papa, I'm happy to be going to confession this morning. I need healing from the wound of that deadly sin scraping me up last Saturday night. Ugghhhh… heal me Jesus.

I do want to heal you and cleanse you from that son. I will meet you there in person.

Thank you Lord, I am so grateful for the voice of the Holy Spirit within that you and all the Saints channel through to counsel and console me. I am so grateful you are teaching me to listen. Lord I do so wish I could stop the 15 - 18 times that Fr. J suggests during the day to tune into you. I fear I do not do so. Even when I do pause when switching tasks and ask you to guide me I'm not sure I really do let you guide me… I don't know what to think about this Lord… sometimes it feels like I'm just bursting to share things with people and I don't know if it is you guiding me or simply my own joy and enthusiasm.

Son, why can it not be both? You seem to be thinking that just because your enthusiasm and joy have bowled people over in the past that it cannot also be my joy coursing through you. Can you trust me to sort it out and trust me in others to sort it out as well? People are more understanding and forgiving than you give them credit for. They are not always judging you in a negative light. It isn't even good to ponder over much on how they are thinking of you… simply be with me in the moment, allow me to course my joy and love for them through you and worry not if you are over enthusiastic doing this. 

It is our joy together that brings the tears so often to your eyes and to mine. I have eyes as well now, remember? And I weep with joy when we are loving other people in our thoughts, words and deeds in, with and through each other. This spiritual form of nuptial embrace is life giving. It is the marriage of heaven and earth sowing life into hungry and sometimes famished souls. Please son, stop doubting yourself in this, only believe. Trust that all will be well and that your efforts to channel my love no matter how imperfect are redemptive… our merging in body, blood, soul and divinity is energizing and good. You don't look at the physical marital embrace with such suspicion do you son? Neither look at our spiritual merging to lovingly bring forth life in others, to call out the good, true and beautiful with suspicion.

Ok Lord, I will try to clear this suspicion from my heart, better yet, you cleanse it from me in your strength Lord. I love you.

We all love you son and are well pleased with your progress on the journey.



[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Papa Speaks About Agency

 You whispered something to me perhaps in my sleep Papa?

Yes son, helping you understand what is meant by the idea of giving back someone their agency. When someone is abused by others or themselves they can very quickly lose their agency, that is they feel they have no choice other than to allow the abuse to continue. In fact, especially in addiction, certain acts can cease to seem like the abuse that it actually is to one's self. This drink, food, sex, drug, purchase, (etc.) makes me feel better momentarily and therefore it isn't perceived as an abuse of one's own will when they feel they have no choice to make the craving go away other than to fulfill it.

Giving them back their ability to chose is what recovery and a Spirit led life is all about. "Choose you this day" is almost an inconceivable concept to one caught up in addiction or being abused by another.

As you walk with people in recover or as you do spiritual direction of any sort son, bear this in mind. You are inviting people on a path you yourself are learning to travel and showing them how you reclaimed your own agency... not in a simple and grasping 'will to power' but in learning to counterintuitively surrender your right to self-abusing acting out and cll upon your earthly and heavenly communities for the strength to do the next loving thing for yourself and others.

To those being abused it is just as complex for they have sometimes been made to feel less than a person, as unworthy of being treated with the dignity due to every person created in my image. As it was for you son, it is a conversion of heart and nothing less that is required. They must come to see themselves as beloved or little progress is made in reclaiming their agency and choosing to step out of the situation. Thisis why you have instinctively given away so many copies of Henry Nouwen's "Life of the Beloved", yes?

Yes indeed Papa, that makes perfect sense. But even as a self-abuser I needed that message just as badly - Thanks for the explanation Papa. Love you.

Love you too son.



[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]

Friday, February 9, 2024

Religious or Spiritual?

Good morning Papa!

Good morning son!

Grateful for Fr J’s words about spirituality and religion yesterday.

Yes son, he drew it out well. I made all of you hybrids of spirit and matter. Every living soul has both. So really everyone is spiritual whether they realize it or not. One can neglect their spiritual hunger and ignore and abuse it until it is nearly dying. Or one can pay attention to their hunger and mistakenly try to feed it by dousing their bodies with all manner of things. Or one can actually feed that spiritual hunger with inappropriate things that are toxic to it. Last and best of all one might feed that spiritual hunger with helpful actions and thoughts and a focus on the transcendentals… what is true, good and beautiful.

Religion is simply disciplined spirituality. It exercises one’s spiritual muscles daily until a deep sense of what it means to be a decent human being is developed. The best religions develop this by connecting with me, the true God of all. The very best religion actually connects with me not just in spirit but also in the flesh and blood in the Eucharist and are thereby transformed by my body, blood, soul and divinity from the inside out.

Also remember that Fr. J drew a distinction between the definitions of discipline. I am not actively punitive as most of you believe, you’re all pretty good at punishing and destroying yourselves so my function is more one of mercifully preventing your self annihilation.

Consider the Webster definitions:

1: to punish or penalize for the sake of enforcing obedience and perfecting moral character

2: to train or develop by instruction and exercise especially in self-control

3a: to bring (a group) under control - discipline troops

3b:: to impose order upon - serious writers discipline and refine their writing styles

You see son, while I may allow some of the consequences of your own self-destructive tendencies to take their full effect (trust me, if I allowed them all to get through to you, humans would have long since ceased to exist!), even then I only allow those consequences in love and hope that they may move you back toward me, the source of all goodness and life.

With that in mind, you can see that definition 2 above is more in line how you should view your approach to spiritual realities. Like the best coach imaginable (yes Ted Lasso came to mind) the best religion provides disciplined instruction for you in appropriate body-soul exercises toward living a fully integrated life as the beautiful marriage of matter and spirt that you are.

Yes Papa this is a right and nuanced approach that makes very good sense. Thanks Papa!

You’re welcome son, I love you!

Love you too Papa!



[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]