Monday, March 28, 2016

The Matrix in Slow Motion

(Notice this is all bold text, aka Papa speaking to Seb - Leeloo)
In the Matrix Neo had to take the death blow in order to get inside the enemy did he not? Only from the inside could he eradicate the virus that was Smith. The movie depicts it as all happening in seconds, the punch, the absorption of Neo into Smith, the look of horror on Smith's face as he realizes he has just sealed his own doom, the light of Neo's power beginning to burst through little fissures in all the Smith Viruses, the explosive destruction of all those viruses, the resetting and renewal of the entire Matrix, all of it only took a minute or two in the movie. Such is the nature of prophetic vision. It has disregard for how things play out in earth time. In earth time the actual growing of the light through the fissures in the virus has thus far taken nearly 2000 years, though the look of horror on Smith's face is growing daily and he fights ever harder to hold his kingdom together. His doom is sealed though he will fight it to the bitter end. The children of the Light will triumph and through them I make all things new. Through every crack and brokenness my mercy will flood and burst through with healing light. Darkness will die by being overwhelmed with light forever.

All the Agent Smiths exploding in an instant once Neo the anti-virus took effect…
Jesus is doing the same thing in the cosmos in a slightly more measured fashion

Light shines through the cracks of our brokenness.