Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Fear Not

Lord I still am having trouble keeping my eyes on you. I worry over things I have said and done, they eat away at me. I lay them at Your feet and admit my powerlessness over them, only Your strength and love and beauty can cleanse me of this meanness and violence. God why am I so violent and mean? How do I feel so threatened and afraid of everyone so that I strike out like a cornered wild animal? You are with me why do I still fear and attack with preemptive strikes? Lord I am sitting in these ashes asking You to heal my soul. May I be so aware of your presence and so immersed in your ocean of mercy and river of love that my soul stays at peace. 

When something disturbs me Lord, help me to quickly find its source and surrender it to your love and gaze in your face looking for my next action of love with regard to this thing that disturbs me. And when all I see is your beautiful face smiling back at me with no answer on your lips may I learn to enjoy your presence and completely trust that you will show me what to do and that even at that moment you are working things out for the good for whatever concerns my heart.

Son look into my eyes and know that I hold all things together and weave all things for the good. Lucifer and his demons have no authority here any more and the more that reality sinks in the more frenzied their attempts to hang on to ground they are daily losing to my flood of mercy. Their sandbags are pointless, their hateful gates cannot stand against the tide of my love. Outward appearances are all the news media can focus on but I see hearts longing for divine love and mercy and I have an endless supply of it. Simply abide in me, be my troubadour of light, my hands, my feet, my mouth, my embrace of love, my smile of compassion.. Be me to them, allow me to flow through you. Fret not Sebastian. I am surrounding you and within you, what have you to fear for nothing can separate us, no one can steel you away from me or me from you. Even you can't really get rid of me the hound of heaven ;)

O Lord I so do not want to get rid of you right now! At this divine instant I want to dwell in You always and never leave your side. I wish to stay mindful of Your presence more and more that I may mindfully and with great care, patience and tenderness pour Your presence through myself onto all those around me like a wonderful fountain gushing abundantly everywhere at a water park, blown by the wind of Your Holy Spirit and splashing all over everyone near it.

I love You Lord.

I love you son.

I love you Mother and all you Holy lovers of God!

And we love you Fred and pray for you.


[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]