Friday, February 19, 2016

The Opposite of Star Wars

My feelings cannot be trusted. This is not Star Wars. Not in that way. I must take actions because they are loving whether I feel like it or not. Whether or not my feelings follow is at best an event I view as a bemused spectator.

My actions are Thomas the tank engine and my feelings are the caboose not the other way around. I trust Jesus to lead me into loving actions, he is my engineer in the train analogy and keeps me on the right tracks. If the caboose follows during any particular loving action, I am to be mildly amused, but not obsess over it either way.

I think this is what the monks and nuns call detachment. It isn't that I have no feelings or don't care. It is simply not allowing my feelings and emotions to lead me around by grabbing my metaphorical nose ring or promoting themselves from caboose to engineer.

I say to my feelings in calming tones "Jesus tells me where to go and what to do, not you anymore. He is trustworthy and you are not."