Thursday, April 14, 2016

God’s Continual Whispers of Love

If he said it yesterday,
He is still whispering it today
Do not hesitate to review all or part of what I have said to you previously. I have not stopped saying them but am whispering them all to you all the time. Remember how I warned Eustace and Jill how the air was thicker down in Narnia than in my country and that it would be important for them to review my words often, to repeat and memorize them out loud with each other. So it is with scripture and my words to you personally directly or through others. You can review them if you write them down and you should, often and out loud with others if you can. Do not be afraid to review your journal because you haven't completed what I am instructing / have instructed you to do… Remember that these words of Mine to you are continual like breath, I shall be whispering them to you all the time. Do not be distraught or discouraged by what you have not completed or perfected but rather rejoice that there is so much to do, so many acts of love both to continue and to complete.

[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]