Saturday, February 22, 2025

Conversion: A Capital Offence

Papa, looking back on my journal entry from 2/16/25 I caught myself being angry... a little bit rage triggered becuase of anti-conversion laws being passed in some countries, states and provinces. Lord, why do I get so angry about this?

Son, I think you assessed it rightly on the 16th... you rightly perceive that the core of the Christian life consists of daily conversion from doing things your way and instead surrendering your heart, soul, will, intellect and whole life to doing things my way. It is a daily and hourly and moment by moment conversion of all of you to following the way of Jesus -- I AM the WAY.

That continuous conversion is the Christian life. So... no surprise when states, countries and provinces and their lawmakers say that you may not use therapy to help people find this deep way of daily conversion to my way that you are a bit concerned.

But son... there is nothing new under the sun.

The first emperors dealing with Christianity in Rome slew them precisely because they were proposing an unacceptable conversion -- a conversion to calling Christ Lord instead of Caesar. "Conversion therapy" as the first Christians practiced it carried a much more severe penalty than revoking one's license to practice therapy -- it was a capital offense.

Your life was forfeit not only for converting others but simply for being a convert and refusing to 'un-convert', that is, worship the emperor and / or his gods as Lord.

Hmmm... I never thought of that -- not quite that way anyhow. Thanks Lord.

You're welcome son.

So, I guess the upswing is that at least at this in the US, Australia, the UK Canada and many other countries, 'conversion therapy' is at least not a capital offense. Furthermore, I can pray for countries where it is... for though the gender ideologists haven't pushed so far to make conversion from their way of thinking a capital crime, some countries DO kill people simply for converting to Christianity even today.


So, applying this with being a twelve step sponsor...

Right son, as a sponsor you're sort of like a spiritual director -- you are walking with people in their journey... you may offer them a bit of guidance as they come to you trying to navigate the complexities of their addiction, and nothing you do under the umbrella of sponsorship to help them get where they want to be would really fall under the laws of even the most 'anti-conversion' law type of countries or jurisdictions...

So if one of my sponsees for example is struggling with unwelcome same sex attraction in his heart and he desires help navigating that, there is no law currently that says I can't share my own experience, strength and hope in that arena...

Right, not yet anyway... you call them to trust in me if they are my followers, correct?

Of course, Lord. Daily, total, surrender to your will and your ways. Daily conversion from 'my way of thinking and acting' to 'your way', Lord. This is bedrock 12 step spirituality.

Exactly, there is no current law against that in the US or even in any of the jurisdictions you mentioned. Where it can get sticky is when you get licensed by the state to do clinical therapy... then you have to abide by their rules.

Yes, so I gather... which is why I'm disinclined to pursue any such career path. I have more freedom as a sponsor to truly help people that want to commit to surrendering to you in all things Lord.

Son, you know that your friend Farmer Fred is pursuing a certificate in Spiritual Direction for much the same reasons you prefer to be simply a sponsor, right?

Yes, we've emailed about it a couple times as you know... I may consider a similar path if it be your will Lord. It sounds like the training he is receiving at DMU is. top notch, maybe I'll reach out to them sometime.

Excellent idea, I'm with you son, love you!

Love you too Papa!
