Monday, February 6, 2017

Kill Bill and Protecting Life in the Womb

Good morning Papa.

Good morning son.  Your heart is heavy about the Kill Bill movies because you fear expressing what you believe Quinten is trying to say.  You sense the truth that he is trying to convey about even some of the most hardened killers will go to extremes to protect an innocent child, that even they "the moment the stick turned blue" want to protect their unborn baby from harm.  Quinten is validating and praising this motherly instinct.  Furthermore he goes on to say that the grief she feels when she thinks that her unborn child's life was taken by those who intended to murder them both is not only real but worthy of rage and roaring and vengeance.  He even goes so far as to hypothesize the strange situation in which she is able to kill all the killers who she sees responsible for murdering her child and her friends and attempting to murder her.  Bud's words repeated twice in the movie "that woman deserves her revenge…. And we deserve to die" do speak loudly for the wrath that is being kindled both in creation (Mother Earth) and Me (Father  Sky) for the endless unjust killing of 125,000 innocents that goes on daily.  Creation groans to be delivered from so staggering a crime, for Mother Earth, like Beatrix Kiddo, can feel the grief deeply, and unlike her children, she doesn't forget but remembers them moment by moment and it is a continual insult to her motherhood and to all motherhood. 

Son, though you are feeling the weight of this crime deeply right now,  you fear speaking about your sadness because the last time you did to your family you were met with nonchalance from your son who sees it as a valid form of population control, annoyance from your daughter who tried to justify it some other way and annoyance from your wife for bringing it up again. Even when you explained that you weren't angry with anyone, that you weren't trying to horribilize any of the perpetrators of the 70 innocent hearts that are wrongly stopped daily in your state alone, you were met with a silence that was loud in your ears, for you were bringing up the unspeakable.

Son, I used Quinten to send a message to you all.  Quinten is skilled at depicting the graphic reality of your culture of death in its current form and he is not afraid of ironically juxtaposing it with with your hypocrisy.  He relishes showing these ironies in any way he can.  I have made Quinten a modern prophet for your generation .

Your response to it is not wrong.  Wanting to talk about it is not wrong.  Wanting to do something about it is not wrong.  

Despair and despondency are wrong.  Forgetting My Divine Mercy, Love and Peace in spite of even this great injustice is wrong.  

The blood and water flowing from my side combines with all those who suffer, especially the innocent lives taken daily, I am one with their suffering and I transform  this river into mercy and healing in each Divine Instant .. Completely trust me even in this son as you go to explain this to others.  Allow my love and mercy to flow through you no matter how many lives are taken daily.  Dwell in my peace son.

I will try Papa, but I need You so much, I am powerless and distracted by the waves around me once more.  I look to Your beautiful face now Lord Jesus and I take the hand You offer me through the water once more.

I love You Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit.

We love you son, go in peace.



[Bold print represents what Seb is sensing God whispering in the depths of his heart during his prayer time. Bold italic print represents what Seb is sensing a Saint whispering to his heart in prayer. NONE of this is to be taken as authoritative instruction for us all. Click here to learn more about what this type of two way prayer is and is not.]